Hello! I'm Emily, an authentic, enthusiastic, and empathic UX Designer - specializing in creating intuitive, delightful, and meaningful experiences.

Merging empathy + intuition + creativity



Compassionate & Collaborative

Strategic Thinker

I put people first. Leading with empathy is my approach to life. Understanding and advocating for users’ needs, I hope to make a difference in the lives of others.

Able to analyze complex situations, considering multiple perspectives, and think ahead to formulate plans. Forward thinking and proactive, I’m able to navigate and overcome challenges to drive success.


Prioritization & Organization

Passionate and enthusiastic about innovation! Thinking out of the box and embracing ambiguity is my superpower. 

I have a keen eye for detail and deadlines. My systematic and structured approach to designing keeps me productive, efficient, and effective.


Let's Get in Touch!

I’m always interesting in exploring new opportunities and making new connections. If you have any inquiries, project concepts, or simply just want to say hello – I’d love to hear from you! Feel free to drop a line or reach out!